all postcodes in M8 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M8 8AE 17 9 53.500987 -2.245282
M8 8AF 3 1 53.498304 -2.247241
M8 8AG 3 3 53.498172 -2.246896
M8 8AN 21 16 53.496681 -2.245302
M8 8LE 8 7 53.495846 -2.244694
M8 8AQ 41 20 53.49892 -2.244757
M8 8AR 2 0 53.498749 -2.246131
M8 8AT 10 9 53.496309 -2.246823
M8 8AW 5 3 53.496926 -2.248575
M8 8BA 12 0 53.497182 -2.251986
M8 8BB 5 5 53.499167 -2.238216
M8 8BG 5 0 53.501178 -2.244924
M8 8BH 2 0 53.500951 -2.245191
M8 8BN 4 0 53.502352 -2.246891
M8 8BQ 36 1 53.500453 -2.24255
M8 8BS 50 0 53.497241 -2.249378
M8 8BT 51 1 53.500529 -2.24596
M8 8BW 31 0 53.501731 -2.2461
M8 8BX 31 0 53.496455 -2.251394
M8 8BY 41 0 53.497538 -2.249079